Beyond Managing Magic 2: Flying the Plane. Release date: February 2025
Unveiling the Government’s UFO Disclosure Puzzle
In the fourth volume of The Disclosure Series, Grant Cameron methodically investigates the evolving narrative of UFO disclosure within the U.S. government and defense sectors. With a sharp focus on recent revelations, this book exposes the intricate power struggles, classified operations, and legal battles that continue to shape public understanding of the UFO phenomenon. Cameron delves into pivotal moments and figures influencing disclosure, from the secretive activities of the CIA and defense contractors to the groundbreaking UAP Disclosure Act. Readers are guided through critical events like David Grusch's controversial whistleblower testimony, the political maneuvering behind congressional hearings, and the implications of the James Lacatski revelations. The book also addresses the deeper questions: Who holds the keys to the UFO secrets? What are the forces behind disclosure and secrecy? What role does intelligence play in the slow unraveling of this mystery? And is the intelligence actually in charge of disclosure as many people in the know claim? With an investigative lens and a straightforward narrative, Landing the Plane dissects the interplay between government agencies, private contractors, and the enigmatic “intelligence” behind UFO encounters. From classified craft retrievals to political roadblocks, Cameron pieces together the fragmented story of how UFO secrecy has been managed—and why the push for transparency may be reaching a critical juncture. Perfect for enthusiasts and newcomers, Landing the Plane provides a compelling, fact-driven account of UFO disclosure and the forces working to keep these secrets hidden—or bring them into the light. Coming Soon
2 New books from Desta
Jimmy Carter: Paranormal and UFO Tales RELEASE DATE May 11, 2023
Is the President running the country, or is he a puppet controlled by a secret government within the government? Has the American public been dis-informed about the President's UFO role? What did Jimmy Carter see that made him so interested in the subject?
When it comes to UFOs, Jimmy Carter is a fascinating character. Carter will always be known as the UFO president after declaring, "If I become President, I'll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one." This book examines all the UFO-related stories Jimmy Carter was involved in when he got to the White House and became President. It reviews how Carter and his aides went after the FBI, the CIA, NASA, and the Pentagon for documents. This resulted in half of all the existing government UFO documents released to the public so far! Inside, Grant explores the two studies reportedly produced for Carter on UFOs and extraterrestrials by Marcia Smith at the Library of Congress and the story that CIA Director George Bush refused Carter's request for the UFO documents he had promised the American public. Grant investigates less-known stories, such as the one involving a secret rendezvous with Steven Spielberg; a meeting with a foreign leader to discuss UFOs and mysticism; technology involving a recovered alien craft being used as part of a plan to rescue the Iranian hostages; and Top-Secret work involving remote viewers to find a Soviet plane in Africa. There are lots of UFO and paranormal stories surrounding Jimmy Carter. This book digs them out of the basement and exposes them to the light of investigation because, as President James Madison said, "KNOWLEDGE WILL FOREVER GOVERN IGNORANCE: AND A PEOPLE WHO MEAN TO BE THEIR OWN GOVERNORS, MUST ARM THEMSELVES WITH THE POWER WHICH KNOWLEDGE GIVES." Released January 2023
Released December 28, 2022
The Canadian Government UFO Story
Was there a UFO study program established by the Canadian Government in the 1950s?
The Canadian Government UFO Story looks back at the flying saucer research that was carried out by Wilbert Smith. Smith was a prominent radio engineer and Ufologist who oversaw a program called “Project Magnet” with the Ministry of Transport. Project Magnet was the official flying saucer investigation study program set up by the Canadian Government from 1950-1954 to gather data on UFOs. The intention was to apply this data to practical engineering uses and technology. Wilbert Brockhouse Smith held a master’s degree in electrical engineering and was responsible for all the engineering aspects of all matters concerning radio use in Canada. This book tells the story of extraordinary Top-Secret memos detailing what U.S. officials knew about UFOs, communications from E.T.s, and the channeling of an alien named AFFA. Other documents reveal the opening of a landing base for UFOs, crashed saucers, alien bodies, and the search for flying saucer propulsion. |
The Psilocybin School In recent years, psilocybin has been increasingly used in research studies. It has achieved impressively high success rates for issues such as non-treatable depression, end of life anxiety, PTSD, smoking addiction, and a host of other disorders that are difficult to cure. That research has led to a revival of interest in some of the compounds that President Nixon blacklisted in 1971. He then classified them as Schedule 1 controlled substances as they interfered with the Vietnam war efforts (people taking the drugs would wake up and realize they were opposed to going to war), making them less controllable.
Inside this book, Grant Cameron dares to break the still-active taboo surrounding the use of psilocybin and what it has been used for throughout history – a breakthrough into mystical states known as samadhi or nirvana. Breakthrough: The Psilocybin School will guide the reader through 16 high-dose "trips" where an audio recorder and strict protocols (used in psilocybin research in University laboratories worldwide) were used. It tells stories of good trips, bad trips, and the death of the ego. Most importantly, it discusses the strange world of mystical experiences where 70% of people who have experienced it call it one of the top five experiences of their life, equal to the birth of a child or a parent's death. That is the world one is initiated into, on the other side of the breakthrough. UFOs, Area 51, and Government Informants
Contact Modalities
The Keys to the Universe Contact modalities are gateways to the paranormal world that have mystified humanity for centuries.Inside, we examine over 70 modalities that people can use to transcend the waking states of reality entering into realms of the magical and mystical. Examples of this would be: UFO contact with non-human intelligences, psychic powers, spirit contact, remote viewing, telepathy, hypnosis, meditation, psychedelics, channeling, and a host of other examples are also used to pierce the veil.Throughout history, we have seen the diversity of these contact modalities. Though we have made efforts to categorize these modalities in the past and see them as a separate phenomenon, the similarities are undeniable and ultimately serve the same purpose.This book also looks at the nature of mind, memory and brain research showing that many reported claims of contact are not imagined. This same research is helping to explain how people explore breaks with waking consciousness. The reader will learn that it is entirely attainable. We are now on the verge of being able to train people to create their own break from physical reality, accessing the many benefits from extended states of consciousness.
Ce livre contient certaines des histoires d'ovnis les plus populaires des fichiers de Grant Cameron. À partir de plus de 40 ans de recherche, ces comptes comprennent:
L'histoire de la façon dont le gouvernement canadien a confirmé que les soucoupes volantes étaient réelles, comment elles ont géré une partie du matériel OVNI récupéré, y compris le crash de Roswell, et des tentatives pour amener un extraterrestre à atterrir sur une base Top-Secret. Les meilleures histoires de dissimulation des États-Unis, y compris la canalisation documentée par la CIA d'un extraterrestre et la véritable histoire intérieure de Area-51. Rapports sur ce que les présidents des États-Unis savaient sur le sujet des OVNIS. Le scoop intérieur concernant Hillary Clinton et les OVNIS. Des histoires d'un énorme volet d'observation d'OVNIS en 1975 qui étaient étroitement liées au programme de missiles nucléaires des États-Unis. La connexion de la conscience aux phénomènes OVNI et la compréhension de l'origine des inventions. Récits de stars du rock célèbres, de lauréats du prix Nobel et de chercheurs de haut niveau qui ont été victimes d'enlèvements extraterrestres. L'histoire complète de l'observation de Chris Bledsoe qui est sur le point de devenir un film hollywoodien majeur. Tuned In: The Paranormal World of Music
In the spring of 2014 Grant Cameron got a message from his UFO experiencer friend, Chris Bledsoe. Chris was passing on a message from beings he had encountered called the Guardians. His message to Cameron was that “the message is in the music.”
Being a musical idiot, Cameron was not interested until he heard that Neil Young and his song After the Gold Rush might be part of the message. Young had grown up in the city where Cameron lived, and so the trip down the rabbit hole began. What emerged from the investigation was evidence of a very weird world where many musicians have had sightings, written songs with UFO themes, and have had UFOs at their concerts. There are stories from Elvis, the Beatles, the Stones, Michael Jackson, Katy Perry, and many other rock stars who claimed to have seen, communed with, been inspired by, and sometimes even descended from extraterrestrials. The book then expands to all sorts of other paranormal aspects to the world of music such as dreams songs, spontaneously written songs, and NDE music. Finally, the manuscript looks at parallel paranormal stories in pre-rock music and looks at what the message in the music might be. Grant Cameron has been a UFO researcher since 1975. He is the winner of the Leeds Conference International Researcher of the Year and the UFO Congress Researcher of the Year. He is a world-recognized expert on - Presidents and UFOs, the Canadian government and UFOs, the alien music connection, and the relationship of consciousness to the UFO mystery. |
Managing Magic: The Government's UFO Disclosure Plan
Many think the government is about to disclose what it knows about UFOs. Many think the government is doing everything in its power to keep the UFO reality a secret. The truth is those who control the UFO secret are doing neither. The secret keepers are gradually disclosing this information, via an acclimatization process, based on advice given by military think tanks that have looked at the issue. Through the extraordinary accounts in this book, the reader will: -Learn how long the disclosure effort has been going on and how this secrecy plan has been carried out. -Get a revelation of the 14 magicians in charge of this secrecy. - Find out who the 5 Messiahs are, the ones chosen to carry out the disclosure message. - Learn the 64 reasons that led United States presidents to keep the UFO information secret. - Discover what WikiLeaks has revealed about UFOs. - Learn of the latest disclosure effort by rocker Tom DeLonge. -Become aware of a US president that was abducted. - Understand the story of "Trump the Aliens." - Gain insight on Trump's UFO briefing. - Learn about the eight possible disclosure efforts being run at the present time including the disclosure of a portal.
Inspired: The Paranormal World of Creativity
It is generally believed that a high IQ and a rational analytical left brain are required for creative discovery. In an extensively researched study Grant Cameron shows where creativity really comes from, that creativity does not require high IQ or luck, but rather a quiet mind that can tap into a non-local source of knowledge that contains the answer. In Inspired: The Paranormal World of Creativity Grant Cameron takes the reader through stories of where many of the great creations of the world really came from, and what non-human intelligences seem to live in the world that supplies the ideas and inventions. Some creative states that are explored include, • Inspirations in music including dreams and spontaneous composition • Inspirations by serendipity which questions a random world view • Inspiration by biomimicry where nature itself did the creation • Inspirations that show the paranormal nature of many inventions • Inspirations that were the source for many Nobel Prize ideas • Inspirations behind scientific discoveries • Inspirations that triggered books, movies, and art • Inspirations given to savants and prodigies • Inspirations from psychics and mediums • Inspirations from aliens and channeled entities • Inspirations from the ancients • Inspirations through automatic writing and meditation • Inspirations for the dying and the grieving • Inspiration from psychedelic compounds As Mark Twain stated, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.” As Grant Cameron will point out the truth behind creativity is often very strange.
The Clinton UFO Storybook: ET Politics in the White House
Despite a multitude of differing views on UFOs, everyone can feel that big changes are on the horizon. Everyone sees things through their particular lens. In the media, not only in America but worldwide, news reports of extra-terrestrial phenomena are on the increase. Whether you refer to them as unidentified flying objects or unidentified aerial phenomena, it matters not. The fact is stuff is happening worldwide at an increasing speed as if this planet is being prepared for something big. Something that could radically alter the way we live our lives and the way we view existence. Grant Cameron, who has for decades dedicated himself to researching what American presidents have known about the UFO phenomena, has reached the conclusion that presidents' denying knowledge is just a cover, and that they actually have known and do know. To what end? Despite your individual view, the information in this intriguing book will validate the fact that Americans stand on a threshold and must make a choice. The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. Thirteen of them have dealt with the modern UFO phenomena. Bill and Hillary Clinton have been the most open about their handling of the mystery. Bill said he was fascinated with the subject and has talked about it many times. Hillary has said she is very interested in the UFO subject saying she doesn’t believe all the witnesses could be making it up. She has gone on the record as the first high-level politician to state that aliens may already be here. She has promised to disclosure as many classified UFO files as she can on the subject if she becomes president. This book provides a historical look the Clinton’s UFO story. It starts with the efforts during the Clinton administration by billionaire Laurance Rockefeller to get UFO disclosure, and the story ends talking about the box that was built by Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman John Podesta to try and ensure that UFO disclosure happens.
This book contains some of the most popular UFO stories from the files of a researcher’s 40 years of research. Ranging from: The story of the Canadian government that confirmed flying saucers were real, that they were dealing with recovered UFO hardware including the Roswell crash, and tried to get an alien to land at a Top Secret base. The United States cover-up including the CIA’s documented channeling of an alien, and the real inside story of Area-51. What the Presidents of the United States knew about the UFO subject. The inside story of Hillary Clinton and UFOs. Stories about the famous rock stars, Nobel Prize winners, and top researchers who experienced alien abduction. The connection of consciousness to the UFO phenomena and insight into where inventions come from. A huge 1975 flap of sightings that was tied in closely to the United States nuclear missile program. Full Story of the Chris Bledsoe abduction which is about to become a major hollywood movie.
REVISED 2024 : A Glimpse into Infinity:
REVISED 2024 : Mirroring Worlds:
The Man Who Wanted to Make Contact: Volume One - Beginnings by Rob Freeman and Mark McNabb
Over the years, Rob has told his childhood UFO story at least 50 times. Since that experience, now over 55 years ago, his life has taken him in many exciting and inspiring directions. Today, he has a mission. He has now journeyed to over eight countries, being face-to-face and in the field with many of the world's top UFO and extraterrestrial experiencers. He has personally experienced the extraordinary within the ordinary. But one question remains. Is there a secret to making contact? If there is ...he'll find it. |
Dark Secrets and Hidden Lies
Nancy Tremaine was born in Detroit, Michigan, the middle of five children. She is a lifelong experiencer, messenger, and participant in the hybrid project. Symbiosis is the true story of Nancy's lifetime relationship with a Reptilian being she has named Mr. He is her friend, teacher and sometimes lover. In this book, she shares the information she receives in the form of downloads and the loving messages she has been asked to share with humanity. Loving synchronicity, which placed in her path of those that tried so hard to silence her, has also equally contributed to her role as a warrior of truth. Nancy shares how despite her age, menopause and a Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation at the age of of thirty, she became pregnant with her hybrid son, Drax. She also shares why and what his purpose will be for the new Earth. For over six years, despite severe frustration and pain, and after failing to receive the support of her family, Nancy has nonetheless continued to reach out, hoping to be heard and find joy in a world in which she often feels she does not belong...